Using Tech Tools to Brand Your School and Recruit:

A Hands-On Workshop


  • John Eick, Executive Director, Westlake Charter School


Spread the word about your school with intentional branding and marketing. Capture your school’s identity and help your school become known for its approach and strengths. In this workshop, John Eick will share Westlake Charter School’s success in student recruitment and how to attract many forms of community support. Develop a message and branding as well as learn to use multimedia tools to spread the word! Bring your device and work along with the presenter in this interactive workshop.

Time & Location:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

10:00AM-3:15PM (Breaks for lunch at 12:00PM-1:30PM)

Gaslamp C & D

Let's see who is here: Click Here to get started.

Section 1: Celebrating your Brand

CSDC Branding Presentation

*Click Here: to build your Branding Message Map

**Advanced Session: Click Here to Build Staff Google-Site to house internally branded communications.

Section 2: Using Crowdsourcing Tools

Click Here to complete a sample CrowdSourcing Google Form.

Click Here to view the Data on the Response Spreadsheet.

Click Here to see data visualization live on a Google Slide.

1. Let's build a Google Form

Step 1: Customize the look with your brand.

Step 2: Create a form with Multiple Choice and Free Response.

Visualizing Data

2. Analyze the Data Using Sheet Magic

Step 1: Create a Countif Data Table - [Try This: =COUNTIF(range, criterion)]

Step 2: Count Unique words - [Try This: =UNIQUE(range)]

3. Visualizing the Data

Step 1: Insert Charts - [Try This: Highlight your data > Insert > Chart]

Step 2: Create a Word Cloud [Try This: Copy Data > Paste into WordCloud Generator]

*Advanced Crowdsource Session: Click Here for Auto Email Response

Section 3: Use Social Media to be a Story Teller

Be a Story Teller

Special thanks to Joe Clark for sharing many of these slides, visit Clarksroom.com for more great sessions by Joe Clark.




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