#FallCUE #DigitalWalks

The Digital Walk Through for Coaches, Admin and Observations!

Friday October 28, 2016 9:45am - 10:45am

E203 (2nd floor) Building E

Not only can a Google Form help a team of observers collect data, but automation features allow the team to send immediate feedback and automatically analyze the data. Click here to view on Sched.

Before we collect data...let's talk about what we will do with the data:

Expert, Collaborative and Cognitive Coaching happens best when we have a third point of data!

Click Here to take a Walk

Click here to view the Data

1) Map the Walking Form

Click Here for an example Map

Mapping out your form on a doc helps you visualize how page breaks and questions types may be used. Consider what data your team is seeking i.e. qualitative vs. quantitative observational data.

2) Building the Form

Click Here for a doc with a couple tips and tricks for building a slick form.

To make a copy for demonstration purposes:

Click Here to make a simple version of the form above

Click Here to make a copy of the simple version response sheet, then assign this sheet as the response destination.

Consider using features such as:

  • Page breaks to limit the amount of scrolling
  • Goto Page Based on and Drop Down lists to Identify Department and staff members.
  • Insert image for pre-determined qualifiers i.e. DOK levels, etc.

Key Elements to consider:

  • Use drop down for names to ensure data always matches
  • Will your team be offering feedback using this form?
  • Consider the device i.e. phone, tablet, laptop: with a smaller device, you might abbreviate terms and use more drop-downs

3) Organizing the Response Sheet

Once your form is constructed it is time to use some add-ons and formulas to make the data more accessible and useable.


  • Create data tables that auto-populate using formulas such as =COUNTIF
  • =Countif(Enter the column to search, then the cell you want to search for)
  • Example:
    • =countif('Form Responses1'!P:P, B3)
  • Auto-generate feedback - FormMule Add-on
  • Merge data line by line - CopyDown Add-on
  • Click Here for FormMule Add-On


- This video will guide you through the steps of sending emails automatically when you click submit on your form.

- This video will help you merge data onto your sheet that you may need, such as emails for teachers, etc.

Please CLICK HERE to Evaluate this Session!




CapCue Board Member

CUE Lead Learner

Google Certified Teacher

Google Certified Educator

CUE Rockstar Faculty