Union 2017


Click here to enter today's Quiz

This tool may increase engagement and pick off some low hanging fruit so that Teachers can gain some valuable project time back in their lesson planning. Use Quizizz both as an instructional tool, a form of assessment, as well as a potential motivational tool.


1. Goto https://quizizz.com -

2. Log in with your Google Account

3. Create your own Quiz, Use a pre-made Quiz, or Make your own - using questions from pre-published Quizizz! Consider adding your own pics to questions!

4. Launch a Quiz by sending kids to join.quizizz.com & have them enter the Quiz code

5. Analyze results on the fly and as a class - When the class gets an average of 90%...do you need a pencil and paper quiz?

Slides as Notes

Click Here to make a Copy of our Project Notes

Every project is going to include some research. Without structured expectations, our research notes may vary from a complete page of plagiarized wiki-notes to hand scrawled illegible disconnected

Increase productivity in the Project Based Classroom by defeating the suck. The suck is defined by Jon Corippo as that time of decelerating engagement between a project launch and the moment just before

students realize it is due the next day! This session includes hands on, fast paced exemplars, that you can use tomorrow to increase student engagement and help project based learning come to life in your classroom.

1. Understand Parkinson's Law

2. Build Plans that force students to use time

3. Introduce Tools that increase engagement

Union 2017 - Defeating the Suck

thoughts. Consider using slides as notes:

1. Each slide can be pre-built to collect the information desired

2. Later in the project, the notes become the presentation, so there is no loss of time.

Goto http://www.slidescarnival.com/ for pre-built slide templates.

Research by the Numbers

Click Here to make a Copy of our Google Drawing InfoGraphic

Click Here for an example of Research by the Numbers

At an some point during the duration of a project, all learners need an opportunity to step back and reflect on what they have learned

along the way. Sometimes a moment of reflection leads to a breakthrough that propels a learner to the finish line on a project! This info-graphic was produced by Ryan O'Donnel (@Creativeedtech on Twitter) and can be used in many ways:

- Use this as a summary of research found about a project

- Use this as a summary of work engaged in by the group

- Use this as a important dates template for a historical project

Click Here to get awesome icons (https://thenounproject.com/)

Click Here for Ryan ODonnel’s Blog

Forms Keep us Moving

Click Here to turn submit your work.

1. Select an item to submit: Your first assignment is to submit your Project Idea

2. Receive an instant email outlining the next set of directions.

Construct a form that walks students through the process steps to success.

A. Use a landing page with a drop down menu.

B. Then use a single text entry field for students to submit their artifacts.

C. On the Google Sheet - Use the FormMule Add-on to send auto emails based on the student responses.

Written Steps: Click Here

Step by Step Video

Construct a Who Turned in What Data Table

Create a data table that counts when a student turns in one of the expected assignments

Click here for our example

A) Open a new sheet tab

B) Paste all student names in column A starting in A2

C) In Column B-ZZ Use the selectable assignments as the column headers

D) Use a countifs formula to determine if a student name from Column A has turned in anything from Row 1.

Step by Step Video

Construct a Peer Review Google Form

Click Here to check out a sample Form

Click Here to see the Docs

1. Create a simple Form that asks:

A) Name (Text)

B) Email Address (or have the Form Collect user name) (Text)

C) Which Project would you like to offer Feedback on? (Multiple Choice)

D) Please enter your comments here (Large Text)

2. Create a folder with a Google Doc titled for either each student or each project name.

3. Activate the "DocAppender" Form Add-On

When DocAppender is engaged, it will take the name of each doc and make that a multiple choice answer on the Form. When a participant selects the name of a doc, their name and answer will be pasted on that doc.


Click Here to Evaluate this Session




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